AI Safety & Ethics

  1. We will ensure that our AI systems do not discriminate or disadvantage any individual or group based on race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, or any other protected characteristic.

  2. We will be transparent about the capabilities and limitations of our AI systems and will not mislead or deceive users about their capabilities.

  3. We will design our AI systems to be fair and unbiased, and we will regularly test and evaluate them for bias.

  4. We will not use our AI systems to engage in surveillance or to violate the privacy of individuals.

  5. We will be responsible stewards of the data that our AI systems use, and we will take steps to protect the privacy and security of that data.

  6. We will not use our AI systems to engage in or facilitate any illegal or unethical activities.

  7. We will design our AI systems to be safe and reliable, and we will regularly test and evaluate them for safety.

  8. We will be responsive to any negative impacts that our AI systems may have on society, and we will work to mitigate those impacts.

  9. We will be transparent about the training data that we use to develop our AI systems and will take steps to ensure that it is representative and diverse.

  10. We will not use our AI systems to manipulate or deceive users.

  11. We will be transparent about the algorithms and models that our AI systems use, and we will make them available for review by experts and stakeholders.

  12. We will work to promote diversity and inclusion within our company and in the development and deployment of our AI systems.

  13. We will be responsive to the needs and concerns of the communities in which we operate, and we will work to build trust and foster collaboration.

  14. We will be transparent about the potential risks and limitations of our AI systems, and we will take steps to manage and mitigate those risks.

  15. We will not use our AI systems to perpetuate or amplify social or economic inequalities.

  16. We will be responsible stewards of the resources that we use to develop and deploy our AI systems, and we will take steps to minimize our environmental impact.

  17. We will work to promote the responsible development and use of AI across society, and we will contribute to the broader conversation about AI ethics and safety.

  18. We will support research and development efforts that advance the field of AI ethics and safety.

  19. We will be open to feedback and suggestions from our users, customers, and other stakeholders about how we can improve the ethics and safety of our AI systems.

  20. We will be proactive in identifying and addressing any ethical or safety concerns that may arise in the development or use of our AI systems.

  21. We will be transparent about any errors or malfunctions that our AI systems may experience, and we will take steps to rectify those issues in a timely and responsible manner.

  22. We will not use our AI systems to engage in or facilitate any form of discrimination or harassment.

  23. We will be responsive to the needs and concerns of the individuals and groups who may be affected by our AI systems, and we will work to address any negative impacts that may arise.

  24. We will be transparent about any decisions or actions that are taken by our AI systems, and we will provide users with clear explanations of how those decisions were made.

  25. We will work to ensure that the development and use of our AI systems aligns with our values of fairness, transparency, and responsibility.